Cluster test:
Legend key to topics: Difficult / Educationally Challenging / Enlightening
test score
1 - Learning, Teaching, and Educational Psychology
This cluster allowed me to understand what is required to become someone that provides “good teaching” to my students.
2 - Cognitive Development
I have a better understanding of how cognitive development happens using the views of Piaget and Vygotsky.
3 - The Self, Social, and Moral Development
It is important to understand the physical development of children. The theory Bronfenbrenner described using his theory using the bioecological model represents this well.
4 - Learner Differences and Learning Needs
Understanding multiple intelligence covered by Gardners theory was key to grasping this concept. It is essential to offer students lessons that incorporate their different intelligences.
5 - Language Development, Language Diversity, and Immigrant Education
Learning about the importance of how language is acquired and developed to support children is key to teaching them.
6 - Culture and Diversity
The classrooms of today incorporate many cultures and as educators we are responsible to include them in our lessons and classroom environments.
7 - Behavioral Views of Learning
Key to understanding how Skinner's Operant Conditioning can be used in a classroom to manage behaviors.
8 - Cognitive Views of Learning
Remembering how different areas of memory allow for learning to occur. Develop students understanding of how their memory works so they can accomplish learning information.
9 - Complex Cognitive Process
Grasp how different learning strategies are needed to reach all students.
10 - The Learning Sciences and Constructivism
Learn how knowledge is constructed and how Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism is an important part of understanding knowledge.
11 - Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory illustrated how observational learning is essential for children. The importance of self-efficacy and self-regulated learning.
12 - Motivation in Learning and Teaching
Relating the needs of students to what motivates them. Understanding the five approaches used to motivate others in education.
13 - Creating Learning Environments
Including organization, creating and maintaining positive learning environments, dealing with discipline problems and the need for communication in the classroom.
14 - Teaching Every Student
Ensure planning to offer differentiated instruction is done to reach every child’s needs.
15 - Classroom Assessment, Grading, and Standardized Testing
Provide testing that is authentic and measurements are both reliable and valid.
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