my Voki

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cognitive development - vocabulary

Nature - knowledge you are born with / inheritance
Nurture - experience (environment) determine our knowledge
Continuity - Change (development) occurs smoothly over time
Discontinuity - gradual / stages / steps
Cognitive development - Gradual, orderly changes by which mental process become more complete
Critical periods - if learning doesn't happen during these periods, it never will
Later experiences - experiences in life will not have any effect on developing into adulthood

examples of continuity: vocabulary a child develops; age 18 months 10 to 50 words by age 5 able to have a sophisticated conversation.  age 18 months social skills lacking by age 5 able to control behavior in public environments that are expected.  age 18 months eating skills using hands by age 5 using utensils.

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