my Voki

Friday, June 6, 2014

Classroom Assessment, Grading and Standardized Tests how does this impact our children

cluster 15
A lesson that I anticipate teaching would be in math on geometric measure to a third grade class.  I would begin by sending an introduction letter home to include the parents and share with them the topic that their child will be working on.  I will begin the lesson by introducing some vocabulary to the class that we will learn about during this lesson.  The lesson chosen would provide the students the opportunity to build meaning to how measurement is included in geometry.  The student will begin to learn about perimeter and area as they pertain to two-dimensional figures.  This lesson is intended to build upon previous knowledge and help strength their foundation of geometry.
    Ultimately, geometric measure should enhance the student’s knowledge of geometry.   Each individual should be able to recognize the formulas for perimeter and area of each two-dimensional shape.   There should be visible connections between the area of a rectangle and a triangle with the same base and height.  The lesson will foster the student’s ability to use, recognize, and apply geometric thinking to real objects and situations that arise in everyday situations.
The students’ knowledge will be accessed by taking a test.
The rubric’s criterion aligns well with the NYS standards.  The performance indicators for Geometry emphasize that students need to be able to identify and measure area and perimeter of two-dimensional figures.  This rubric assesses a student’s ability to measure geometric two-dimensional figures using formulas.  I will review the rubric before students work on their lesson so they know what is expected as well as write comments on each rubric so students have a better understanding of their grade.  Students are used to seeing rubrics and understand that their score on test their grade for the Geometry unit.



Goals and objectives that I hope students will gain by completing this assignment are that they understand better how to analyse a rubric.  Have an understanding of who to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate their knowledge and skills.  That they are able to create performance reviews.  That students understand more about the value of seeking out reliable and valid resources.        

Traditional assessments, students are typically given several choices and asked to select the right answer. In contrast, authentic assessments ask students to demonstrate understanding by performing a more complex task usually representative of more meaningful application.
In the classroom it will depend on what subject matter is being covered as to which method I would use.  Some subject matter is clear cut and I think that selecting the correct answer would be fine.  While other subjects can allow the student to demonstrate their comprehension of the material.  And further since students learn in different ways it may be best to incorporate both forms together when the opportunity arises.  

Philosophy of Teaching

  • I believe that each child needs a caring and stimulating atmosphere. They need an environment in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. It is my desire as an educator to help students meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, challenges and invites a sharing of ideas. There are three elements that I believe are necessary to establishing such an environment, (1) the teacher acting as a guide, (2) allowing the child's natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, and (3) promoting respect.  I believe each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. I will help children to develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals. I will assist children in discovering who they are, so they can express their own opinions and ideas. I have a vision of a world where people learn to respect, accept, and embrace the differences between us, as the core of what makes life so fascinating.

  • When the teacher's role is to guide, providing access to information rather than acting as the primary source of information, the students' search for knowledge is met as they learn to find answers to their questions. Students need the opportunity to discover for themselves and practice skills in authentic situations. Providing students access to hands-on activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being studied. Every classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. My role as a teacher is to give children the tools with which they can gain knowledge. To accomplish this goal, I will teach to the needs of each child so that all learners can feel capable and successful. I will present curriculum that involves the interests of the children and makes learning relevant to life. I will incorporate themes, integrated units, projects, group work, individual work, and hands-on learning in order to make children active learners.

  • Equally important to self-discovery is having the opportunity to study things that are meaningful and relevant to one's life and interests. Developing a curriculum around student interests fosters intrinsic motivation and stimulates the passion to learn. One way to take learning in a direction relevant to student interest is to invite student dialogue about the lessons and units of study. Given the opportunity for input, students generate ideas and set goals that make for much richer activities than I could have created or imagined myself. When students have ownership in the curriculum, they are motivated to work hard and master the skills necessary to reach their goals.  

  • Helping students to develop a deep love and respect for themselves, others, and their environment occurs through an open sharing of ideas and a judicious approach to discipline. When the voice of each student is heard, and environment evolves where students feel free to express themselves. Class meetings are one way to encourage such dialogue. I believe children have greater respect for their teachers, their peers, and the lessons presented when they feel safe and sure of what is expected of them. In setting fair and consistent rules initially and stating the importance of every activity, students are shown respect for their presence and time. In turn they learn to respect themselves, others, and their environment.

  • For myself, teaching provides an opportunity for continual learning and growth. One of my hopes as an educator is to instill a love of learning in my students, as I share my own passion for learning with them. I feel there is a need for compassionate, strong, and dedicated individuals who are excited about working with children. In our competitive society it is important for students to not only receive a solid education, but to work with someone who is aware of and sensitive to their individual needs. I am such a person and will always strive to be the best educator that I can be.  Teaching is a lifelong learning process of learning about new philosophies and new strategies, learning from the parents and community, learning from colleagues, and especially learning from the children. Children have taught me to open my mind and my heart to the joys, the innocence, and the diversity of ideas in the world. Because of this, I will never forget how to smile with the new, cherish the old, and laugh with the children.

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