my Voki

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Understanding how Ecological Systems Theory can impact the classroom

The presentation done on Urie Bronfenbrenner by a classmate in our Child Development and Learning Theories class helped me understand his theory of The Ecological Systems Theory.  Having a better of this theory and how it relates to the development of children will be helpful to me as a future educator of children.  The Ecological System Theory is divided into five stages. The first stage is known as the Microsystem.  This stage includes activities and social roles.  The next stage is the Mesosystem.  This stage involves relations that interact between the microsystem.  The third stage is known as Exosystem.  In this stage it involves the relationship that exists between two or more settings of the previous two stages.  The fourth stage is known as the Macrosystem.  This stage includes the characteristics of culture, larger society.  The fifth stage is known as the Chronosystem.  This stage includes changes of self and environment.  Bronfenbrenner is a co-founder of a school readiness program that is a federal program called Head Start.  Gaining this important understanding of his theory and how it relates to children will make me more prepared as I become a teacher.  

An interesting article that helped me relate how a teacher incorporates this theory in a classroom is below:
link for the full article: Classroom Environment

Implications and Considerations

Classroom environment is a broad term and the research in this area is far reaching and defined in many different ways according to theory as well as practice. Regardless of the definition, there are many important findings from the research as a whole that can impact students' learning and behavior. This is also an area of continued growth in research as changes in technology and social culture alter the dynamics of what is considered classroom environment.
One of these areas to consider is the environment beyond the classroom. There has been debate on the impact of school-wide environment on classroom environment. With an increased importance placed on school-wide performance in order to demonstrate school success in terms of annual academic progress of students, there is undoubtedly pressure on teachers to produce high scores on standardized state exams. This school-wide demand filters to the classroom and is communicated in various ways to students, directly impacting their experiences in the classroom. There is ongoing research to examine the implications of the high-stakes testing for the psychosocial dimension of the classroom as well as how this approach has influenced instructional strategies used by teachers in classrooms.
Furthermore, the definition of classroom environment continues to evolve with the development of online courses and increased use of technology in learning situations. Classrooms are now networked, expanding the environment beyond physical walls, enabling students to interact via email, video conferencing, and blogs. The addition of technology to the classroom has changed the environment, and research is only beginning to consider these new aspects and their impacts on classroom outcomes.
Information gained from ongoing studies of classroom environment continues to impact teachers' knowledge. Learning about factors that may shape students' perceptions of their learning environment, how teachers' actions appear to students, and how changes made to the learning environment may stimulate and encourage learning continue to be of the utmost importance to classroom teachers.

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